Tuesday 20 April 2010

Vibe Magazine Analysis

Vibe Music Magazine

Vibe is a music and entertainment magazine founded by producer Quincy Jones. The magazine is based on R&B and hip-hop music artists, actors and other entertainers. The magazine comes out quarterly, the magazine's target audience is young, urban followers of hip-hop culture around the age of 16-25.

All Vibe magazines share the same key similarities;
1. They all have a well known famous Hip-hop or R&B artist as there main focus of attention on the front cover.
2. The backgrounds remain simple and usually just a colour, so it doesn't draw the attention away from the main focus (the artist), the background also reflects there gender, harsh darker colours are used for the men, to withhold there strong image and represent their masculinity and the lighter softer colours used for women which shows femininity.
3. The names of the artists are written in big bold letters, this lets the audience identify who the artist is if they wasn't sure by the picture, although they expect you to know the main artists of the Hip-hop and R&B industry as thats the people who usually purchase the magazine so they expect some knowledge of the genre.
4. The Masthead is always written in the same font style, but the colour varies depending on the background and other fonts.
5. The artists are all from the Hip-hop/R&B background.

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