Friday 7 May 2010

Magazine Analysis

Magazine Analysis

I chose to analyse two magazines from different genre's as the magazine i am producing is not focused on one particular genre but will feature aticles and news about different artists to give a wide variety and different information. Some people are not fixed on one specific genre or style of music and like a mixture of everything, but music magazines available on the market today usually follow one general style or genre. I found a gap in the market and wanted to create a magazine that had a little bit of everything in it so i looked at two contrasting magazines to get an idea of what both magazines portray.

NME Magazine Analysis

NME Magazine Analysis

New Musical Express (better known as the NME) is a popular music magazine, it has been published weekly since March 1952. It was the first British paper to include a singles chart, which first appeared in the 14 November 1952 edition.

1. The collage of the different bands exploding out of the main titel "The Albums of 2010" this is attractive to the readers as it appears that the magazine is packed with all there favorite bands over numerous articles.
2. "2010" is the biggest word on the page, the main headline, the magazines biggest selling point and the biggest part of this issues magazine.
3. NME is in bold font in red capital letters with a white outline it makes the title stand out against the black background of the name.
4. The colour scheme is mainly red, white and black with a black boarder of the magazine, this links with the genre of a rock magazine.
5. The strapline; the use of repitition of the Albums of 2010 as a main selling point, also the use of the word 'ultimate' is persuasive to the reader encouraging them to buy it, as they wont get whats inside this magazine anywhere else.
6. All the artists are from the rock/indie genre, they are holding guitars and most of the men have long hair, these are general traits linked with that genre.